Bienvenidos a Agritec - Frutas frescas orgánicas y convencionales
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Welcome to

Here you’ll find the experience of 12 years in the market, participating in the development of Sustainable Project for the Agricultural and Food Sectors. Our management areas transcend from the knowledge of traceability systems, strengthening of producers groups, management systems.


We are a innovative company dedicated to production, transformation and commercialization of products and services based in a sustainable agriculture, and of precision, integrating…


Biological, Organic or Ecological Agriculture is a reachable challenge, but full of difficulties, special in Tropical countries, however thanks to technology development, in the organization of Agritec we lead the way in making it sustainable.


For the international market we offer the following products: Fresh Organic fruits certified, dehydrated fruits (mixed production), Fruit Pulp.

Exportation Plan

Agritec Colombia has advanced through several stages,

in the search for consolidation of a organic sustainable project.

Learn more about our exportation process and how you can be part of it.

Agritec Products

Fresh Organic and conventional fruits that make a difference thanks to our agricultural processes, we invite you to learn more here.


For the international market

we offer the following products:


• Fresh organic certified fruits.
• Dehydrated fruits (Mixed production).
• Organic fruit pulp.
• Organic fruit Jelly
• Organic Marmalade


For the Colombian Market we offer the following products:

• Fresh organic certified fruits.
• Dehydrated fruits (Mixed production)
• Organic fruit pulp.
• Organic fruit Jelly.
• Organic Marmalade.
• Organic Juices.
• Organic Vegetables.


Hectares planted


Clients all over the world


Tons of Mango exported yearly


Helped Families in the Tolima Department

We focus on the production, transformation, commercialization, importation and exportation of organic food

And conventional, fresh and processed, as well as supplies for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.

Latest Blog Entries

  • VICE meets up with Joe Nickell, a longtime paranormal investigator who’s been called the real-life Scully. We travel with him to Roswell, NM on the called the real-life Scully

  • En el Municipio de Sopó, Cundinamarca, se desarrolló una Investigación con excelentes resultados en el Cultivo de Tomate orgánico, entre los años 2.017 y 2.019


In the search for the improvement of life quality of our consumers nationally and internationally, AGRITEC COLOMBIA SA has brand support with its world class certifications (Europa, USA, Switzerland, Colombia).

If you need more detailed information about our enterprise and how to contact us

please click the following button