Organic tomato development - Agritec
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Organic tomato development

Organic tomato development


table tomato (Long life, Chonto and the well-known Cherry tomato) is an essential food for the diet of Colombian families; However, due to the “Pressure” on the part of the market to produce MORE and MORE cheaply, many farmers carry out incorrect production practices, applying chemical synthesis inputs, both for phytosanitary control and for crop nutrition, in such a way that overwhelmed. The famous “Fumigation Pumps” can include highly toxic products, with mixtures from various commercial houses, affecting not only the quality of life of consumers, but also the health of operators, supervisors and farmers of this type of crops under cover.


There are testimonies in which the Farmers themselves, after observing the deterioration of the soils (due to salinization and compaction) have decided to venture into other crops (preferably hydroponics) abandon their Greenhouses and others more daring, migrate their agriculture towards a production technology with GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) or to organic production systems.

In the Municipality of Sopó, Cundinamarca, the Project called: Construction, Implementation and start-up of the Organic Vegetable Production System under greenhouse was developed, promoting the use of sustainable agricultural technologies, creation, appropriation and adaptation of the same to the municipal context, seeking adaptation to climate change, in the El Carrizalito farm, La Violeta village, in the municipality of Sopó, Cundinamarca, as a contribution to the post-conflict in Colombia.

ITEM Valor Descripción
Área de  Tomate en Invernadero 958 m2 Área de Invernadero que cubre el Tomate
Distancia de Siembra 0,3 m x 1,2 m Distancia entre plantas y surcos
Número de Plantas por ciclo 2.660 Número de plantas sembradas por ciclo
Densidad de Siembra (Pl/m2) 2,78 Cantidad de plantas por m2
Semanas a producción 14 Tiempo desde que se transplanta a producción
Semanas de Cosecha 25 Semanas en las que se realizó cosecha de tomate
Producción Total (Kg/ciclo) 8.057,7 Producción total de tomate en las 25 semanas
Productividad x m2 (Kg/m2/ciclo) 8,41 Productividad en Kg por m2 y por ciclo, osea en 25 semanas.
Producción por planta (Kg/planta) 3,02 Producción por planta
Producción extrapolada por Ha (Kg/Ha) 84.100 Producción extrapolada por Ha.

Por su parte el Tomate Cherry orgánico, presentó un buen comportamiento en calidad y productividad.

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